Ridiculously easy A/B Testing

Launch experiments and learn how to drive more conversions on your website, no matter your skill level.

Install in minutes • Free 30 day trial • Cancel anytime

Launch your first A/B Test in minutes

Easy installation

Start collecting traffic data with any of these methods:

  • Adding a Crazy Egg code snippet to the webpage you want to test.
  • Using a tag manager, like Google Tag Manager.
  • Turning on one of our integrations with Wordpress, Wix, Squarespaace, Shopify, and more.

Define Conversion Goals of any kind

Quickly identify the goal of your experiment, with or without having to install code:

  • Clicks on any button or link
  • Landing on a certain page (ie. a confirmation page)
  • Form submissions
  • Triggering advertising pixel events on Google, Meta, or TikTok
  • A custom Crazy Egg event code snippet

Automatically split page traffic

Distribute visitors between your page variants — using either manual settings, or our Multi-Arm Bandit Method to automatically shift towards the best-performing page designs.

Design new pages for testing,
in just clicks

Set up a traditional URL redirect to send traffic to an existing page — or use our Visual
Page Editor to quickly design new pages for testing.

  • Click to edit

    Quickly change text, formatting, images, or hyperlinks in our Visual Page Editor — without needing to touch a line of code.

  • Find the right source code

    Advanced users can directly modify the HTML, CSS, or Javascript for any selected element.

  • Modify for any device

    Preview and test how your page designs look, for any device type or window size.

See Visual Page Editor

Measure conversion performance over time

Visualize how conversions trended over time, all on one simplified dashboard.

See conversion rates and statistical significance for each of your page designs. Compare multiple Conversion Goals to see how your test performed on other indicators.

See how visitors interact with your page designs

Go beyond the numbers — with automatically-generated Website Heatmaps and Session Recordings for each page design.

Identify which content drew the most user engagement, and solve barriers that are preventing conversions.

Analyze more Dimensions and Metrics in Google Analytics

Crazy Egg's native integration sends pageview and conversion data to your Google Analytics 4 account.

Compare all the detailed engagement metrics and dimensions that GA typically provides, segmented for each of your A/B Tests and page variants.