Picking a blog niche is a big commitment. The niche you choose determines how much money you can end up making on your blog.
You need a niche with monetization potential, but you also need it not to be too competitive.
Recipe blogs are the perfect example of an oversaturated niche. They’re super popular from the blogger and audience ends, but beginners can’t really shoulder their way into the industry.
For this listicle, we’ve rounded up 42 blog niche ideas plus examples of each one. These categories have potential but aren’t brutally competitive.
In other words, they’re perfect for anyone who’s starting a blog for the first time. (Psst: if you need templates to make blogging even easier, we’ve got you covered.)
Let’s dive in.
1. Personal Finance for Specific Groups

Personal finance blogs are a dime a dozen, so get specific instead of general. The College Investor, for instance, focuses on giving investment advice to college students.
You could focus on finance for single parents, finance for caregivers, or finance for freelancers. Or whatever fits your skillset and experience.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 51K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, because each group has specific financial needs, and those specific groups are not oversaturated.
- Content Focus: Budgeting, tax tips, retirement planning.
2. Side Hustles

Side hustles are more popular (and needed) than ever. My Money Chronicles offers ways to get paid beyond the typical 9-5 framework. Your blog can do the same, but consider finding a unique spin or angle to flesh out.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 2.6K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, there’s a constant demand for extra income ideas.
- Content Focus: Gig economy jobs, passive income, case studies of successful side hustlers.
3. Investing for Beginners

Investing is still mysterious to many folks, which is why investing blogs are relevant. If you pick a narrower focus than just general investing, like Girls Who Invest, you’ve got a better chance of gaining a devoted audience.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 6.2K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, but you must focus on niche angles, like investing for your kids, or investing as a retiree.
- Content Focus: Stock market basics, ETFs, robo-advisors, best investing apps.
4. Budgeting Tips

Budgeting is a major pain point for millions and millions of people. There’s a lot of advice for general budgeting, but not as much for narrower angles. Suma, for example, focuses on helping Latinx folks budget.
You can use your specific background to create a budgeting blog focused on helping your community thrive.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 112+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, personal finance blogs have a consistent readership.
- Content Focus: 50/30/20 rule, using budgeting software, budget meal planning.
5. Freelancing

Everyone and their sister wants to start freelancing these days. Tap into that craving for a more flexible lifestyle with a blog that teaches other folks how to start a freelance business. Make sure it’s specific, like Elna Cain’s freelance writing blog.
Fun fact: Elna’s blog helped me launch my freelancing career back in 2018. At a time when I was broke, it offered free tips that packed a ton of value.
Never underestimate the power of a good blog.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 13K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, especially if you’ve been successful at a specific type of freelancing and can speak authoritatively about it.
- Content Focus: How to get clients, freelancing platforms, pricing your work.
6. Etsy Tips

If you love making things with your hands and selling those items on Etsy, why not start an Etsy blog, like EverBee? I really didn’t find a ton of blogs focused on Etsy selling specifically, so this is a perfect time to jump in and fill the gap for this blog niche idea.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 130K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, but you’ve got to know your way around handmade goods.
- Content Focus: Etsy SEO, trending product ideas, shop optimization, marketing your products.
7. Print-on-Demand

If you’re not much of a maker, why not try print-on-demand (POD) blogging? Plenty of people have turned to POD as a way to make extra cash. Creating a blog like The Print on Demand Playbook can help you share your knowledge on this topic.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 24+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, POD’s lower startup costs make it appealing for side hustlers.
- Content Focus: Best print-on-demand platforms, niche product ideas, marketing tips.
8. Small Business

Small businesses can always use extra help in the form of how-to guides, trends, and success stories. If you’ve successfully run a small business, share your expertise with the world via a small business blog like SmallBizTrends.
Target a specific industry to make your offerings stand out among the competition.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 17.8K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, but make sure you target a specific industry or group of related industries.
- Content Focus: Business funding, marketing, legal structures, startup guides.
9. Affordable Tech and Budget Gadgets

There’s so much technology out there that it’s overwhelming trying to find what works best without breaking the bank.
If you adore bargain hunting for the best tech deals, do like TechRadar Deals and start a blog about it.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 9.5M+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes: there’s lots of affiliate marketing potential in this blog niche idea.
- Content Focus: Budget laptops, smartphone comparisons, cheap tech accessories.
10. Tech Reviews for Beginners

Surprisingly, there aren’t tons of blogs out there that offer tech reviews. If you’ve been waiting for a sign to put your knowledge to use in blog form like Digital Trends does, this is it.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 1.4M+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, especially if you’re super knowledgeable about tech but can put complex info in layperson’s terms.
- Content Focus: Entry-level device comparisons, best apps for beginners.
11. Digital Security

Are you a cybersecurity nerd? If so, I applaud you, because nothing looks less sensical to me than the SANS Cyber Security Blog. I’m amazed at anyone and everyone who understands this stuff.
If you want to help non-savvy folks like me figure out how to hold onto their privacy in a digital world, why not blog about it?
- Traffic Benchmark: 188K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, especially because awareness of online privacy is growing.
- Content Focus: VPNs, password managers, social media privacy.
12. Home Decluttering and Organization

I love a good deep clean. If I were going to pick a blog niche idea to write about, this would be it. Like Clutterbug, I could produce scads of posts about how to get rid of clutter in the home. But I also love moody maximalism in décor.
No minimalist, sad beige décor for me, thanks very much.
If you’re anything like me, there are thousands and thousands of people waiting for your moody maximalist decluttering blog.
Trust me on this one. There are multiple, well-populated Facebook groups devoted to the topic.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 4.8K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, especially if you have a unique angle to take. AKA, anything but minimalist decluttering!
- Content Focus: KonMari method, capsule wardrobe, decluttering by room, moody maximalism, systems to stay organized.
13. Productivity Hacks

Want to help people learn how to be more productive with their time? Look to the Productive Fish blog for an idea of how to do just that. (I also find their blog design pretty neat!)
Plenty of us want to make the most of our work time so we can enjoy our relaxation time even more.
If your blog has ideas we’ve never heard before, we’ll be flocking to it for inspiration.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 42+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, but make sure you have an angle that hasn’t been blogged to death about before.
- Content Focus: Time-blocking, deep work, achieving flow state, Pomodoro technique.
14. Self-Improvement

Want to show others how to improve specific areas of their lives, like Pick the Brain? Whether it’s helping readers slow down and savor life a little more or ditch screens and connect with people a little more, there’s a blog to be written. By you.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 316+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Competitive, but evergreen, plus less competitive if you’ve got something new to share.
- Content Focus: Daily habits, confidence-building exercises, personal growth challenges, how-to’s.
15. Creative Writing

Graduate-level creative writing programs are notoriously expensive with limited job opportunities following graduation.
Ask me how I know.
Good thing there’s plenty creative writers can learn from blogs like DIY MFA–and your blog, if you happen to be a creative writer with lots of new content to share.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 8.1K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, but look for a not-yet-overdone angle for best results. Focus on a sub-niche like writing for kids, sharing publishing know-how, or creating books for Amazon Kindle.
- Content Focus: Writing prompts, publishing tips, storytelling techniques.
16. Mental Wellness

We could all use more resources for mental wellness like Mindful.org. If you have a family background mental health struggles, you might be perfectly positioned to share your experiences and tips with folks in similar situations.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 314K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, but consider having experts guest-blog at some point and offering concrete tips and stories readers can relate to.
- Content Focus: Anxiety management, self-care routines, journaling, personal journeys.
17. Fitness for Specific Groups

Weirdly enough, there aren’t many fitness blogs for people outside the typical gym rat target audience. Even Nerd Fitness doesn’t really stray from that familiar content realm. If you’re a single mom, a caregiver for aging parents, or a person living with chronic illness who loves to work out, write about it!
The world needs your perspective. Truly.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 209K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, because so many folks who like to move their bodies don’t fit the gym rat stereotype. See: The Slow A.F. Run Club.
- Content Focus: At-home exercises, how-tos for running with chronic illness or limited time.
18. Plant-Based or Specialty Diets (Vegan, Keto, Gluten-Free)

Standard recipe blogs may be oversaturated, but guides to cooking and dining out on a specialized diet are not. Try dedicating your blog to a specific diet, like Eating Gluten Free. Include more than just recipes. Show your audience how to navigate the world with their dietary needs and restrictions.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 1.6K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, because diet-based content is always in demand.
- Content Focus: Meal plans, grocery lists, easy recipes, restaurant guides.
19. Sleep and Stress Management

Want to help people sleep better and feel calmer, like Calm.com? Write a blog about it! With so many people struggling with insomnia and anxiety that keeps them up at night, your soothing blog is sorely needed.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 1.3M+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, because humans need to sleep and enjoy feeling calm.
- Content Focus: Breathing techniques, meditation, workplace stress tips, bedtime routines for adults.
20. Woodworking for Beginners

Do you love working with your hands? Would you like to create blog posts and tutorials to teach other people your skills?
Start a woodworking blog!
I actually couldn’t find an entire blog dedicated to woodworking specifically, but Woodworking for Mere Mortals has a website and YouTube channel. Maybe this is your chance to dive in with a woodworking blog to help round out the web’s woodworking offerings.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 186+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, there’s demand for DIY woodworking content and a big gap in existing blogs on the topic.
- Content Focus: Beginner projects, tool guides, safety tips.
21. Model Trains, Planes, and Automobiles

Some folks love trains (or planes, or automobiles) as kids and then keep loving them their entire lives. If you’re in this group, why not share your passion with other, similarly minded people, like Ty’s Model Railroad does?
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 35+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, but it’s a niche audience, and you better know your stuff.
- Content Focus: Train layouts, plane model building, historical automobiles.
22. Miniature Building

When we were kids, my younger sister made me a tiny house with a tiny bed, bedspread, table, apple pie, glass of milk, ladder, and loft. I loved it. I still have it today.
She sewed and glued and sourced toothpicks, bottle caps, fabric scraps, beads, and thimbles to create her magic. Pretty amazing for a 9-year-old. Sure, she had help from my parents, but still!
Short story shorter, we both love tiny things. Turns out plenty of other people do too. Just look at the popularity of My Miniature World for proof of that.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 17+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, it’s creative hobby with a longstanding interest.
- Content Focus: Dollhouses, dioramas, painting techniques.
23. Needle Felting

My son learned how to needle felt at school this year and now I’m obsessed. It’s ridiculously easy to get started and meditative to do.
So far, all I can make are cute little coasters. But I have plans, y’all. I have plans.
If you’re a needle-felting pro, please start a blog to show the rest of us how it’s done. I only found one blog solely focused on needle felting, Living Felt, so there’s plenty of room for more blogs with in this niche.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 43+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, especially as there are minimal startup costs and the hobby is relatively easy to learn if you’re crafty.
- Content Focus: DIY projects, felting tools, beginner tutorials.
24. Calligraphy

Do you love creating fancy, beautiful script to use on stationary, letters, and notes? Do like The Postman’s Knock and create a blog to show others how to do it too.
- Traffic Benchmark: 42.9K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, if you’re good at calligraphy! There’s a strong social media appeal for the practice, too.
- Content Focus: Hand lettering, fonts, brush pens, tutorials.
25. Crocheting and Knitting

Crocheting and knitting are well-loved pastimes. They both come with a learning curve, though, which makes them ripe with blogging potential. All About Ami is a solid example of what you can include on your yarn-based blog.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 18.1K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, especially if you’re offering tutorials and simple patterns.
- Content Focus: Free patterns, yarn reviews, beginner guides.
26. Embroidery and Mending

Want to show the world how to mend their socks, clothing, and cloth furniture instead of throwing them away? Are you passionate about cross-stitching and textiles, like Mr. X Stitch?
Then this is the blog niche idea for you, my friend.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 3K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes—it’s a niche but growing audience.
- Content Focus: Stitching techniques, upcycling, mending, fabric care.
27. Candlemaking and Soapmaking

If you would like to dedicate an entire blog to candlemaking or soapmaking—or both—I will be your loyal reader. My goal this summer is to learn how to make both candles and soap. But I am a complete newb, as the kids would say.
For now, I’ll head over to Soap Queen.
Blog Niche Ideas:
- Traffic Benchmark: 5.7K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, it’s great for DIY and small business fans who want to create and sell these items.
- Content Focus: Candle pouring, wax types, soap recipes, decorative soaps and candles.
28. Cosplay Guides

Who says Halloween is the only time you can dress up?
Not cosplay pros, that’s for sure.
If you’re skilled in the world of cosplaying, costume creation, and places to wear said costumes, start a cosplay blog like Kamui Cosplay! This topic is a lot more popular than you might think.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 5.4K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, especially because cosplaying is super popular on YouTube and social media.
- Content Focus: Costume tutorials, material guides, cosplay events, beginner guides.
29. Upcycling

There’s something magical about taking trash and making something beautiful with it. Look at any of the posts on Upcycle That for evidence.
Nowadays, there’s a big awareness of how much stuff we throw away. Upcycling blogs can help people find new, creative ways to use things they can’t recycle and don’t want to toss.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 3.1K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, especially with the growing interest in sustainability.
- Content Focus: DIY fashion, furniture refurbishing, thrift flipping, upcycled jewelry and décor.
30. Board Game Reviews

Do you love learning the newest board games and playing them with family or friends?
Start a board game review blog, like BoardGameGeek! The market is surprisingly undersaturated with a huge potential target audience.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 2.5M+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes—board games are backed with a passionate audience.
- Content Focus: Game mechanics, best family/friend/solo games, strategy tips.
31. Urban Gardening

Gardening is for everyone. Including apartment dwellers, as you can see in Balcony Garden Web. If you have a knack for transforming small spaces into green gardens, dip your toe into this blog niche idea.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 706+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, there’s a strong sustainability appeal.
- Content Focus: Indoor plants, hydroponics, small-space gardening.
32. Drone Photography

Do you love taking pictures and videos with drones?
I have great news: aside from these posts by Trevor Sherwin, I could not find a single drone photography blog out there. That means you can write the first dedicated drone photography blog and corner that market.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 7K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, because drone photography is a growing industry.
- Content Focus: Aerial photography tips, best drones, legal guidelines.
33. Gaming Gear Reviews

Are you a gaming fanatic? Do you love ordering parts and assembling them into the best gaming system ever?
Write a blog about it! So far, Tom’s Hardware is the main blog dedicated to gaming gear. That means it’s your perfect opportunity to create a gaming gear blog that’s a little more beginner-friendly. Or budget-friendly.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 1.5M+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, if you focus on a sub-niche like budget-friendliness or beginner-friendliness.
- Content Focus: Gaming laptops, controllers, accessories.
34. 3D Printing Projects

These days, they sell mini 3D printers for kids.
Take advantage of the 3D printing craze and start a blog like All3DP to teach everyone, young and not-so-young, how to use this increasingly accessible technology.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 228K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, especially as there’s more accessibility every year.
- Content Focus: Best printers, filament reviews, project ideas.
35. Coding for Kids/Beginners

STEM-focused learning continues to be super popular, and coding sure isn’t going anywhere.
Why not show kids and beginners how to code, like Learn to Code With Me?
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 2.8K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, particularly with the growing demand for STEM education.
- Content Focus: Python basics, coding games, beginner exercises.
36. Scholarship and Grant Tips

I could not find a blog specifically focused on helping high school and college students find scholarships. Even this Scholarships.com isn’t really a blog, because the resources are in PDF form. They’re meant to be downloaded or printed.
So this is the perfect time to create an actual blog showing parents and students where to find scholarships and how to win them.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 482K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, this topic has a high search volume, plus you can focus on both trade school and university scholarships.
- Content Focus: Scholarship lists, application tips, essay guides
37. Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Do you live a life on the road, or in the sky, or on a boat working remotely? Share your tips, tricks, and experiences with the rest of us like A Brother Abroad does.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 1.4K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, remote work is growing.
- Content Focus: Best remote jobs, travel tips, staying focused on the road, finding coworking space.
38. Genealogy

People have long been fascinated with their family history and roots. But genealogy can be overwhelming to get into, even if you want to find out everything you possibly can about your family.
There’s a need for more blogs that show people how to get started with the process and keep everything organized and updated.
There aren’t that many genealogy blogs out there. The ones we do have are a little limited. Sassy Jane Genealogy, while a great resource, only offers guidance for U.S. and European genealogy efforts.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 450+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, there’s a steady interest in genealogy.
- Content Focus: DNA testing, historical records, family tree tips.
39. Specific Types of Travel

There are too many travel blogs to count, but you can still dip your toe into this blog niche idea by making your blog super specific. Take Travel Mom Squad, which focuses on traveling with children using credit card points.
Get specific, and you’ll get somewhere good.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 16.3K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, different types of travelers always seek travel tips specific to their circumstances.
- Content Focus: Destinations, packing tips, travel and safety hacks.
40. Home Maintenance for Beginners

Owning a home can be overwhelming. Blogs like Family Handyman can demystify all the little things homeowners must do to maintain their residence.
If you’ve got home maintenance know-how, this is an ideal blog topic. Even better if you can narrow your topic down. Home maintenance for retirees, maybe.
Or home maintenance for parents of young children who have no time or energy for home maintenance and no money to pay someone else to do it.
Can your blog solve this conundrum?
I’d love it if it did.
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 949K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, there’s always demand for DIY fixes.
- Content Focus: Plumbing basics, home repairs, maintenance schedules.
41. Car Maintenance for Beginners

Cars are mysterious creatures.
If you don’t agree, maybe you can write a blog to help people like me understand their main mode of transportation more thoroughly.
I love the Mechanic Shop Femme because it’s A). not on YouTube and B.) woman-run.
What unique strengths does your car-savvy self bring to the table?
Blog Niche Snapshot:
- Traffic Benchmark: 131+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, essential skills for car owners are always, well, essential.
- Content Focus: Oil changes, troubleshooting, DIY fixes.
42. Pet Care for Unique Animals

The world already has enough blogs about how to care for dogs and cats.
The world needs more blogs about how to care for other types of pets.
If you’re more of a betta fish person or a reptile person (like the blogger at ReptiFiles) or a pocket pet person, write a blog about it! There are plenty of parents of not-so-typical pets who would appreciate the tips.
- Traffic Benchmark: 96.3K+ monthly visits
- Beginner-Friendly? Yes, because there’s less competition compared to dogs/cats.
- Content Focus: Care guides for reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, exotic birds, and insects. Topics could include habitat setup, diet, health concerns, and behavior training.